These guidelines help this blog be a safe place for the women for whom it is written.
- Commenting Please be kind in how you speak to and about others, most especially of your spouse. This blog exists to uplift marriage. We all need to vent at times, but it can be done without dragging someone else down. I reserve the right to edit or remove comments that I think are unkind or inappropriate. Remember that behind each post and comment is a person. Accusations and hateful comments hurt people and don’t belong here. All comments are moderated.
- A Women’s Ministry Because this blog exists to support and encourage women, I want to be sure women’s voices are not drowned out by men’s voices. Men may comment on posts, but I will read their comments with an eye toward whether those comments might interfere with ministry for their wives specifically and other wives in general. If comments from men are lengthy, engage in debate, or focus on their needs rather than on the needs of women, they are less likely to be approved. This blog is not a place for husbands to seek support. Visit Knowing Her Sexually Ministry for information and resources for husbands.
- Who I am I am not a counselor, doctor, Biblical scholar, or pastor. I am a woman, with a heart that calls to the lives of other women and a little bit of wisdom. I respond to as many emails and comments as I can. My suggestions and insight will not work in every marriage. Please seek professional support if you are in need.
- You are a child of God The articles here are directed toward women in marriages in which both spouses are generally well-intentioned. I speak from my own experience. If you are being abused, then get yourself safe first. Then, with plenty of real-life support, figure out what to do about your marriage.
- Copyright All my posts belong to me. Comments belong to the commenter, and I reserve the right to refer to them in other blog posts and in social media communication. Blog content belongs to Chris Taylor at Honeycomb & Spice, 2020-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Chris Taylor at Honeycomb & Spice with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.