Lovely Links ~ April 2021

Find encouragement and inspiration in this list of blog posts.

Here’s the monthly roundup of recent blog posts that I found encouraging, inspiring, and helpful. Here’s what I found in April.

Take a look and see what other resources are out there for you!

  1. 10 Inspiring Ways Troubles Can Be Used to Ignite Joy, Messy Marriage
  2. 10 Instructions for Living Holy in Dark Days, iBelieve
  3. 10 Marriage Blessings to Never Take for Granted, Karen Girl Friday
  4. 3 Scriptural Truths To Help You Survive The Hardest Week Ever, Lyli Dunbar
  5. 5 Ways to Turn Your Husband On, Love Hope Adventure
  6. As You Work on Sexual Intimacy, Be Sure to Do This! Hot, Holy & Humorous
  7. Consider the Birds, Kelly Minter
  8. Fighting Anger in Marriage: Love Is Not Easily Provoked, Hope & Joy in Christ
  9. Flex Your Ability to be Happier, Shaunti Feldhahn
  10. The Fog Has Purpose, The Romantic Vineyard
  11. Getting Out of ANY Personal Rut, Shaunti Feldhahn
  12. The Hope of Ruined Land and Tangled Things, (in)courage
  13. How Insomnia Is an Opportunity, Sarah Geringer
  14. How Much Should I Forbear, Leslie Vernick
  15. How to Feel Better in Three Seconds, Boundless
  16. How to Give a Good Back Massage To Your Spouse, Love Hope Adventure
  17. Muddled Thinking Leads to Muddled Living: How Is Social Media Affecting You? Women Living Well Ministries
  18. The Nearness of God in Uncertain Times, Kelly Minter
  19. Pause and Take In the Sunrise, Of the Hearth
  20. Reclaiming Sanity In the Midst of a Pandemic, Laurel Shaler writing for the American Association of Christian Counselors
  21. Speak Up And Set Boundaries, Leslie Vernick
  22. Timely, The Generous Wife
  23. Toxic Behavior: 5 Common Types, Poema Chronicles
  24. What Does it Mean That Love Covers a Multitude of Sins? iBelieve
  25. What To Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Talk To You , Intentional Today
  26. What To Tell Yourself When You Want Things To Go Your Way, Lyli Dunbar
  27. When is the Best Time of Day for Your Quiet Time? Of the Hearth
  28. When We Do Well Beneath the Sheets, We Do Well on Our Feet, Intimacy in Marriage
  29. When You Mess Up Big Time, Sarah Geringer
  30. Who’s Important to You? The Generous Wife
  31. Why We Never Stop Pursuing our Spouse, Karen Girl Friday
Find encouragement and inspiration in this list of blog posts.

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2 Replies to “Lovely Links ~ April 2021”

  1. Debi Walter

    Thank you for taking the time to share such great posts each month. Having done this before, I know it takes a lot of time and attention. I so enjoy seeing what posts spoke to you. Thank you, too, for linking up. This post has special meaning to me because it shows how God cares for us in the struggles we face. He is near and He is faithful to lead us every step of the way. Even when the fog is thick!

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